Dynamic Learning Maps, an overview and demonstration of an unique curriculum delivery system

In this session we will demonstrate an unique approach to curriculum delivery via dynamic personalised learning maps. The Dynamic Learning Maps (https://learning-maps.ncl.ac.uk/) or DLM system is now in use in the first four years of the MBBS curriculum at Newcastle University, and is currently being rolled out for a Pharmacy programme at the University of Bradford. The system has interest from other UK based undergraduate courses. DLM are a fusion of formal curriculum maps, personal learning records, and community-driven maps. Using established technologies and standards the maps provide 'mash-ups' of information from curriculum databases, ePortfolios and other sources. The DLM approach enhances understanding and navigation of the curriculum and provides a means for students to actively map, contextualise, reflect on, and evidence their learning. We will go on to describe some exciting planned extensions, which have recently received funding to facilitate collaboration, including support for sharing, rating and discussion of learning resources linked to specific topics in the maps. Drawing on the work of other experts, RIDLR will investigate harvesting OERs from the Learning Registry (http://www.learningregistry.org/) UK node (The JLeRN Experiment, see http://jlernexperiment.wordpress.com/), presenting them in the context of curriculum and personal learning maps, utilizing and sharing back 'paradata', whilst SupOERGlue is looking at how OERGlue (http://www.oerglue.com/), a novel easy to use content aggregation tool, can be integrated with Dynamic Learning Maps to enable teachers and learners to generate custom content from within personalised views of the curriculum, by aggregating and sequencing their own OER related to specific topics, with automatic rich contextualization, presented dynamically in situated learning events. The session will involve remote online demonstration of the system from Dr Tony McDonald, who will describe the technical approaches and technologies. Suzanne Hardy will go on to explain the planned extensions, and lead a discussion on the approaches taken.


Friday, 6 April, 2012 - 09:30 - 11:00